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Malmström in Berlin to discuss past, present and future of open trade

Accessing markets | Berlin, 15 October 2018

In Berlin today, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström delivered a speech at Humboldt University.

After recalling the history of liberal democracy and its benefits, she called on its supporters to defend it. She highlighted how a creative approach can often work, showing how the Commission responded to points of criticism on EU trade – by consolidating support at home and pursuing a progressive trade policy, with its Trade For All strategy. Finally she outlined the Commission’s next steps in the trade field, in flying the flag for global trade and rejuvenating the WTO.

“Europe has radically transformed since the beginning of the 20th century. We have gone from a bloody, violent continent, to a bastion of human rights and democracy. Once in ruins, now we are an economic powerhouse. It is important to remember where this transformation has come from. Not from authoritarianism and not from protectionism – Europe’s gains are from building rules, institutions and following our values,” Commissioner Malmström said.

The speech was part of a broader programme in Berlin, where Commissioner Malmström is meeting a number of high level officials to discuss the future of global trade and the EU’s role. These meetings include a discussion with Peter Altmaier, the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, to discuss issues such as the transatlantic trade relationship and WTO reform, as well as a visit to the Committee for Economic affairs in the Bundestag to discuss the EU trade agenda.

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